Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Students at Stonewall Elementary recently enjoyed interacting with UK men’s basketball players who took time to visit their classrooms as part of our district’s REAL Read program. Wildcat forwards Ansley Amonor and Trent Noah and center Amari Williams also showed the youngsters a few moves in the gym!
Fayette County Public Schools is proud to be the preferred partner of the University of Kentucky’s Athletics Department. This relationship strengthens our shared commitment to excellence by empowering students, families, and athletes through education, leadership, and community engagement. Together, we are building a brighter future for all our students and the next generation of leaders.
REAL Read is a districtwide elementary program based on a simple idea: Every child needs a mentor, and something meaningful happens when community volunteers share their love for reading. Visit our REAL Read webpage to get involved!